Why joining a running club could be the best thing you've ever done for your running goals...especially now you've signed up to run in the Sportstiks Brentwood Half Marathon or Fun Run

Meet, Run, Have Fun
These are the words Brentwood Running Club use to encourage new members to join them. It really is that simple!
BRC have joined us in organising the 2022 Sportstiks Brentwood Half Marathon and Fun Run this year and are a perfect fit for the event.
"Brentwood Running Club is a diverse community of runners of all ages, abilities, and interests. Through weekly training, group runs, and charitable events, we encourage and support our members to reach their running goals, foster our community spirit, and seek that runner’s high!"
You will see BRC members all over the course come event day, Sunday 20th March 2022. Many will be competing, many more marshalling the route, some will be pacing runners to pbs but all will be supporting the event.
If you've been thinking about joining a running club but need a little more encouragement, here are 5 top reasons why joining a club is a great idea.
1. You'll improve your running
Clubs will have members of all speeds and abilities so you'll always have someone faster than you to chase, or slower than you so you're not the last one finish. Group runs can vary from steady long runs to organised interval sessions, giving you variety that you don't have to plan yourself - you just turn up and run!
2. You'll be more motivated
It's so easy to decide not to run when it looks a bit cold and wet outside and there's something good on the telly. But when you know there is a group of other runners meeting up to face the conditions with you, it's a lot easier to get your trainers on and step out the door.
3. You'll meet loads of like-minded people
They will understand and commiserate about having to get out and run a long run on a Sunday morning much better than any of your non-running friends and family. You can all complain (and rejoice) together!
4. You'll receive amazing support
Not only will you have a group of people who will encourage you to take steps towards reaching your goals, you’ll also get tons of training tips and advice. Plus, you will always have people to cheer you on at races – when the going gets tough, that can make a difference.
5. You'll socialise and have fun
Whether it's a simple post run chat during a stretch, with a coffee or over a beer, you'll soon get to know your fellow club members. Many clubs also organise separate social events when everyone isn't quite so sweaty and smelly - cue lots of “I didn't recognise you with your clothes on” gags!
If Brentwood Running Club isn't close, find a club near you. What are you waiting for?
Find a club near you
Do you want to order an event T-shirt?

It's not too late
If you did not order a t-shirt at the time of entry but would like to do so now, use the link below.
Price is £12 plus £2 p&p.
Any Burning Questions?
You're all signed up but you can't remember what time the Start is, where you can park or if you are allowed to wear headphones. For all the answers visit the FAQ section on our website.