Introducing our new Race Director, Brian Harding
Runner and Club Chairman of Brentwood Running Club

The new organising team for the 2022 Sportstiks Brentwood Half Marathon and Fun Run has appointed a new Race Director to front the event. We're delighted to introduce you to Brian Harding, Chairman of Brentwood Running Club.
Brentwood Running Club members will be tightly involved in the organising and running of the 2022 event so appointing their club chairman as our new race director made good sense. The club has strong community and charity links and have an ethos of encouraging volunteers for sporting events locally and nationally. Every year they volunteer at the London Marathon, Ride London and locally at Parkruns.
Tell us about yourself and your involvement with BRC
"I joined Thrift Green Trotters [as Brentwood Running Club was previously known] over 20 years ago. Having played Saturday afternoon football for years, eventually the time came to “hang up my boots.” To keep fit I took up running and was a regular at the Late Entrants Desk at events all over Essex."

What does running mean to you?
Running was and is a means of keeping fit and controlling weight these days rather than seeking PB’s. I enjoy the motivation of getting ready on a Wednesday BRC Club Night and going to the Brentwood Centre whatever the weather to see friends and join the Groups.
What is your best BRC memory?
There are so many given my time at the Club. Personally - my first London Marathon even though I hit “the wall” at 20 miles. That experience meant I was better prepared for later marathons by always running 26.2 miles in training. Experts say no but for me it was good for my mindset
What is your proudest running moment?
Thinking about it, I believe it is yet to come. I have long believed that this community based club and the Brentwood Half Marathon were made for each other. In 2022 BRC is going to be a main player alongside Brentwood a Becket Rotary in staging one of the biggest road races in Essex. Ask me again after 20 March 2022 and I trust BRC will meet the challenge and we can all be proud of the club’s achievement.

"Brentwood Running Club is a diverse community of runners of all ages, abilities, and interests. Through weekly training, group runs, and charitable events, we encourage and support our members to reach their running goals, foster our community spirit, and seek that runner’s high!"
Join the Club
If you would like to know more about Brentwood Running Club, visit their website here
Entries for the 2022 event open in September. Register your interest here