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January 2022 Runners Bulletin


Updated: Apr 4, 2022

Less than 10 weeks to go until the Sportstiks Brentwood Half Marathon and Fun Run


­There are less than 10 weeks until the 40th Brentwood Half Marathon and Fun Run so just like your training, our planning and preparation is escalating. It's about this time that we start contacting our teams of volunteers, without whom we couldn't hold the event. If you have friends, family or colleagues that would like to join our team of volunteers get in touch, we'd love to hear from you.



Marshalls, Water Stations and Security


Every year we are very lucky to have dedicated volunteers that marshal different sections of the route, keeping our runners safe and making lots of noise to encourage and support them while also dishing out water and sweeties.


Thank you to all the groups that volunteer

Residents groups in Blackmore and Kelveden Hatch are fantastic, as are local Scouts and Cadets from The Anglian Regiment, The Army Reserves, Brentwood Air Cadets, Essex Police Cadets, Hutton Air Cadets and Doddinghurst Scouts.

In addition Brentwood Cricket Club and Brentwood Park Run join the stalwarts from the Brentwood a Becket Rotary Club to ensure everyone taking part has the best event experience.


Run for Charity

Whether you are running in the half marathon or the 5km fun run, your efforts will be recognised and appreciated. If you are running for charity, we would love to hear your story. Who are you fundraising for and why? Tell us your story

If you would like to use your efforts to fundraise but have yet to commit to a charity, both Saint Francis Hospice and Brentwood Theatre would love you to join their team.


Running for SFH puts you into one of the biggest running teams in the event. With race day support and a charity running vest you can be certain of extra loud cheers on the day.

Create your fundraising page via the link below.

Run for Brentwood Theatre

Run for the Brentwood Theatre to support their ongoing work in the community.


Premium Parking

You can reserve Premium Parking close to the start/finish line for £10. All proceeds go to charity. Click on the link below to book your space in advance.


Order Now


If you didn't order a t-shirt when you entered you can still order now and receive it with your race pack.

Price is £12 plus £2 p&p.

Any Burning Questions?

If you need to know some of the finer event details such as where you can park or if you are allowed to wear headphones visit the FAQ section on our website.


Brentwood Half Marathon & Fun Run Event Sponsors

Organised by The Rotary Club of Brentwood a Becket and a team from:


©2025 Bakers Brentwood Half Marathon . 

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